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发布日期:2014/7/1 14:52:19  浏览:1081 次

G50T 天花减振器 Ceiling Shock Absorber


  • OFF减振构件由天花减振器、墙身减振器、地板减振器、高分子减振砖、隔声减振阻尼胶五种组成。
  • 天花减振器是剪切吊顶天花与原基础楼层天花结构传声的有效途径。
  • 墙身减振器适用於墙身增强隔声结构层安装固定,在声波照射面与原基础墙体间形成声断层。
  • OFF秉成一贯拒绝非标件和翻新胶。G50T、G50Q减振构件采用自主模具加强加厚金属件及国标件。阻尼胶件100%原生胶注造,
  • 耐老化时间及阻尼系数是翻新胶件的五倍以上,从硬件品质上保证了减振隔声效果的永久性和安全性。


OFF vibration component there are ceiling absorber, wall absorber, ground absorber, polymer vibration reduction brick, acoustic vibration damping rubber five kinds 
Ceiling absorber is an effective way of sound transmission for the shear hung ceilings original foundation floor ceiling structure.
Wall absorber is suitable for wall to increase acoustic structure layer fixed installation. Which From the hardware quality guarantee the permanence safety of the 
damping sound insulation effect
OFF always refuse the non-standard part refurbished glue. G50T, G50Q vibration component adapts own mode to strengthen thicken the metal part international
part. Damping glue 100% made of original rubber.
The aging time damping coefficient are five times compared with the renovated glue, from the quality guarantee the damping sound insulation effect is permanency
and safety.

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